Our Mission: We are a welcoming Catholic Community of disciples encouraging all to celebrate and experience the love of Christ.

Christ Our Light Catholic Church - Loudonville, NY


September 21 and 22, 2024
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Everywhere in church circles today you hear a lament: Our churches are emptying, and the church is becoming ever more marginalized. 
There are many reasons for this, but I’d like to single out one issue: affluence. Jesus told us that it’s difficult (impossible, he says) for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven. No doubt, that’s a huge part of our present struggle. We’re good at being Christians when we’re poor, less educated, and on the margins of mainstream society. We’ve had centuries of practice at this. What we haven’t had any practice at, and aren’t any good at, is how to be Christians when we’re affluent, sophisticated, and constitute the cultural mainstream.
So, I’m suggesting that what we need today is not so much a new pastoral approach as a new kind of saint, an individual man or woman who can model for us practically what it means to live out the Gospel in a context of affluence and secularity. 
One of the lessons of history is that often genuine religious renewal, the type that actually reshapes the religious imagination, does not come from think-tanks, conferences, and church synods, but from graced individuals – saints, wild men and women who, like Saint Augustine, Saint Francis, Saint Clare, Saint Dominic, Saint Ignatius, or other such religious figures can reshape our religious imagination. They show us that the new lies elsewhere, that what needs fixing in the church will not be mended simply by patching the old. What’s needed is a new religious and ecclesial imagination.

We’ve been at this spot before in history and have always found our way forward. Every time the world believes it has buried Christ, the stone rolls back from the tomb; every time the cultural ethos declares that the churches are on an irrevocable downward slide, the Spirit intervenes and there’s soon an about face.
Christ promised we will not be orphaned, and that promise is sure. God is still with us and our age will produce its own prophets and saints. What’s asked of us in the moment is biblical patience, to wait on God. Christianity may look tired, tried, and spent to a culture within which affluence and sophistication are its current gods. We’re already beginning to see a number of people who have found ways to become post-affluent and post-sophisticated. These will be the new religious leaders who will teach us, and our children, how to live as Christians in this new situation.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany Parish Networks



Unable to join us at Church - our Saturday 4 PM Mass is live streamed, on YouTube.com. Go to YouTube and search Christ Our Light Church Loudonville 

Dominican Retreat and Conference Center

The Dominican Retreat and Conference Center in Niskayuna, New York offers retreats for women and men, workshops and presentations to enhance your spiritual life and growth. We offer retreats for persons in 12 step programs on topics of alcoholism, abuse, and eating issues. Be sure to check out the Windmill, a private hermitage, available for private individual retreats. If you need a place to hold a retreat or conference, we have just the spot for you!


Spiritual Direction

Mass Times

Saturday, 4 PM LiveStreamed on YouTube
(Search Christ Our Light Church Loudonville)
Sunday, 10 AM
Tuesday, 9 AM

Updates, changes, and resources can be found on myParishApp on your mobile device by texting App to 88202. It’s FREE.


Donate Now

 Click on to Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany website for details http://www.rcda.org/


Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30AM-4:00PM.



Daily Reading

Memorial of Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, Priest, and Paul Chŏng Ha-sang, and Companions, Martyrs

Readings for the Memorial of Saint Andrew Kim Taegon, Priest and Martyr, and Saint Paul Chong Hasang, Catechist and Martyr, and their Companions, MartyrsReading 1 1 COR 15:12-20

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Thursday of the Twenty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Reading 1 1 COR 15:1-11

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Wednesday of the Twenty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Reading 1 1 Cor 12:31-13:13

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