Our Mission: We are a welcoming Catholic Community of disciples encouraging all to celebrate and experience the love of Christ.

Christ Our Light Catholic Church - Loudonville, NY


February 8 and February 9
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

From Deacon Dick~ 

Today we celebrate World Marriage Day.  The Fathers of the 2nd Vatican Council (1962-65) saw marriage primarily as a sharing of life between two human beings who love each other.  Marriage is different from other sacraments…it has a secular, worldly character…BUT it’s this worldly character that points to God and makes God present…In this way sacramental marriage has the power to point beyond itself to the infinite.  The very way of life of married couples is a continuous, living sacrament.

         Through the sacrament of marriage, each person pledges to witness Christ’s love to the other and to the world.  This was put very poignantly in the lines from the movie, Shall We Dance (2004), when the wife says:

Or, put another way:

Why is it that people get married?

Because we need a witness to our lives.

There are a billion people on the planet.

What does any one life really mean?

But in a marriage, you’re promising to care about everything…

The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things,

All of it… all the time, every day.

You’re saying “Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it.

Your life will not go unwitnessed - because I will be your witness.”


Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany Parish Networks



Unable to join us at Church - our Saturday 4 PM Mass is live streamed, on YouTube.com. Go to YouTube and search Christ Our Light Church Loudonville 

Dominican Retreat and Conference Center

The Dominican Retreat and Conference Center in Niskayuna, New York offers retreats for women and men, workshops and presentations to enhance your spiritual life and growth. We offer retreats for persons in 12 step programs on topics of alcoholism, abuse, and eating issues. Be sure to check out the Windmill, a private hermitage, available for private individual retreats. If you need a place to hold a retreat or conference, we have just the spot for you!


Spiritual Direction

Mass Times

Saturday, 4 PM LiveStreamed on YouTube
(Search Christ Our Light Church Loudonville)
Sunday, 10 AM
Tuesday, 9 AM

Updates, changes, and resources can be found on myParishApp on your mobile device by texting App to 88202. It’s FREE.


Donate Now

 Click on to Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany website for details http://www.rcda.org/


Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 8:30AM-4:00PM.
Closed Friday



Daily Reading

Friday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Reading 1 Hebrews 13:1-8

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Memorial of Saint Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs

Readings for the Memorial of Saint Paul Miki, Priest and Martyr, and his Companions, Martyrs

Reading 1 Hebrews 12:18-19, 21-24

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Memorial of Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr

Readings for the Memorial of Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr

Reading 1 Hebrews 12:4-7, 11-15

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