Our Mission: We are a welcoming Catholic Community of disciples encouraging all to celebrate and experience the love of Christ.


BAPTISM: In Baptism, every child is marked as one of God's own children, welcomed into the Church community and into discipleship with Jesus. At Baptism, parents and godparents express their desire to share their faith with their children. Baptisms can be celebrated at any weekend Mass.  Parents' attendance at a baptismal class is required.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION:  Children prepare for First Reconciliation and Eucharist traditionally in second grade, having completed at least one year of faith formation. Parental involvement is an integral part of First Holy Communion preparation.

CONFIRMATION: The sacrament is administered annually by the Bishop. Candidates are able to start preparing for Confirmation after completing their 10th level faith formation.  The program includes immediate preparation for the sacrament and a retreat.

RECONCILIATION:  Reconciliation (formerly called confession) is available on Saturdays 3:15 -3:45 PM, or by appointment.  We also have Reconciliation Services during Advent and Lent.

MATRIMONY:  We are honored to help parish couples celebrate their marriage. Couples wishing to celebrate a wedding in our parish church participate in a marriage preparation seminar. Do you have questions about getting married in the Catholic Church? Please contact Deacon Dick Thiesen, Parish Life Director (under contacts) to find out more information about the Sacrament of Marriage and getting married in the Church.

HOLY ORDERS (Ordination)

In the sacrament of Holy Orders, a man is ordained a priest, deacon, or bishop.

A priest promises to live a life of celibacy and of obedience to his local bishop.  He is given the command to teach, minister, and govern: to teach the people of God and bring them closer to God, to minister the sacraments, and to govern the people, typically through parish ministry. 

A deacon may be “permanent” or “transitional”.  A permanent deacon is a man who may or may not be married and who has committed his life in service to the church.  A transitional deacon is one who intends to become a priest.  This is typically the stage one year prior ordination to the priesthood. A deacon, whether permanent or transitional, may baptize and may officiate at weddings.

A bishop is a priest ordained to the special ministry of Shepherd of the people.  A bishop typically oversees a Diocese.

To learn more about becoming a priest, contact the Director of Vocations at the Pastoral Center, 40 N. Main Ave. Albany, NY.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK:  If you are ill, undergoing medical treatment, or facing hospitalization or surgery, we will be happy to share the Sacrament of Anointing with you at any time.